Creating written content with humanity and heart.

Smooth Moves For the Groom

Smooth Moves For the Groom


The Shave

Grooms are increasingly more involved in all aspects of the wedding day and its preparations. While your bride is deep into her beauty prep, indulge your inner gentleman with a professional barber's shave. Imagine laying back in a comfy chair, with soothing warm towels placed gently on your face, the steam relaxing your breathing and pampering your skin. And bonus, your bride will definitely appreciate a fresh and smooth face for all those kissing shots. Here's how it's done.


The Warm Up

A morning barber's shave is just part of looking good on your wedding day. In the months leading up to your nuptials, consider upping the ante on your daily skincare regime. Twice a day, wash, tone, and moisturize. Throw in a scrub and a few other tricks and your bride won't be able to take her eyes—or her hands—off you.

Family Matters: An Intimate Wedding

Family Matters: An Intimate Wedding

Soothe the Soul, Indulge the Senses: Bali

Soothe the Soul, Indulge the Senses: Bali